New Capital Gains Inclusion Rates in RazorPlan
In the 2024 budget tabled by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Canadian government introduced changes to the way capital gains are taxed in Canada starting on June 25, 2024. The biggest change is to the capital gains inclusion rate which is currently set at one half (50%) and will increase to two thirds for corporations and for individuals that have capital gains that exceed $250,000.
These changes will have an impact on your clients who have large capital gains in a single year or who own corporations. That impact can now be demonstrated using the RazorPlan program.
In our most recent release, we added the ability to enable changes associated to Budget 2024. This includes both the modifications to the Capital Gains inclusion rate and the Canadian Entrepreneurs’ Incentive (CEI). Watch the following video for an outline of these new settings – Budget 2024 Update.
Join us July 4th at 1 PM Eastern for the RazorPlan Budget 2024 Update hosted by Dave Faulkner.
The webinar will show you how to illustrate the impact of the proposed changes to the capital gains for cottage and business owners.

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