Razor Academy
Learn RazorPlan using case studies
Learn RazorPlan using case studies
Learn through interactive case studies and sample client files when it’s most convenient for you. Razor Academy allows you to advance your knowledge of the software to serve your clients better and ensure they reach their financial goals.
Razor Academy includes a library of client situations and concepts focused on advancing your abilities within the software. Each case focuses on an individual concept or feature within RazorPlan. Stay up-to-date with new features in the software and identify new ways to leverage RazorPlan calculations and controls by working through and completing each of the available case files.
This window also displays the date the file was downloaded, allowing you to distinguish between case files that you’ve completed versus ones you haven’t.
Click “View Case” to load any of the available case outlines. When selected, the case outline will open in a new tab in your browser. Follow along with the loaded case outline, including the steps listed in the “How To Build with RazorPlan” section.
To download a Razor Academy case file for use in your RazorPlan account, simply highlight the case and click “Download”.
The file will download to your RazorPlan account and automatically load. Once downloaded, a copy of the RazorPlan Academy case file will be available in your list of client files. You can redownload a new copy at any time by downloading it again from the Razor Academy window on the RazorPlan home screen.