Personal Finance / Cashflow – Top Reads

Personal finance management can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. These articles answer top questions and cover a variety of common topics to help you reduce cashflow stress points.
August 14, 2018/by Jay Palter

Practice Management – Top Reads

Intentionally growing a thriving advisory firm takes more than pure luck. Skill, strategy and consistent review are necessary. For a business that excels well into the future, we recommend implementing practice management actions suggested in these articles.
June 27, 2018/by Jay Palter

Zero to One

Peter Thiel is one of the founders of PayPal. In 2012 he conducted regular lectures at the University of Stanford where a student, Blake Masters, took detailed class notes. The book Zero to One is based on those notes.
June 18, 2018/by Dave Faulkner

The Typical Advisor Tech Stack

There are a myriad of tech tools all claiming to be the best at helping you be more efficient in your business. But which ones really measure up? Here are several that experienced, tech-savvy financial professionals are currently using in their practices.
April 17, 2018/by Jay Palter

When Should you Engage a Financial Planner?

There are many circumstances where the value provided by a professional financial planner outweighs the potential savings of technology. For six situations you should consider, read the full article at
March 29, 2018/by Dave Faulkner

Impact of Budget 2018

The Federal government tabled the 2018 Budget on February 27th and we have reviewed it to determine what the impact will be for users of RazorPlan software.
February 28, 2018/by Mike Howe